So you want to be more productive? NAP - Neuro Accelerated Performance…
Read MoreWhether you like the detail or you are a big dreamer you can't predict the future so you may feel out of control, but although you can't…
Read MoreMost people want to change the other people in the collecting ring. They want to change how the other riders are behaving, how other horses are behaving, they want…
Read MoreIt's Your Choice…
Read MoreRiding requires thinking, but mental skill is the one area which is left untended, untrained and allowed to randomly take control…
Read MoreSet backs can only affect our self-belief if we take them personally and give others control. The three step guide enables us to regain control…
Read MoreWhilst watching ‘The Hunt’ on BBC (David Attenborough’s latest study of animals and their survival – or not), my mind wandered to my clients…
Read MoreYou can use all kinds of ways to be motivated – plan, set goals, chunk down, link up with someone else, use music and see the positive instead of the negative and probably these things will…
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