Ahead For Life

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Mistake #5 Don't mess with my head!

I have often heard athletes say they wouldnt see a sports psychologist because they wouldnt want their head ‘messed’ with. This is an understandable concern given that it is difficult to know what might come up during a one to one with a sports psychologist. Athletes don’t know what to expect and are fearful of the unknown. This thinking however reveals that the person believes they will go away ‘messed up’, but sessions are always about enhancing thinking and clearing the muddle, moving from ‘mess’ to clarity.

I think clients are reassured by knowing that during our sessions they always have control, we follow their agenda and we never go where they dont want to go. Sometimes we may need to visit the past, because the past can affect the future, but often sessions are about defining the goal, setting pathways and finding the process.

Each session is unique to each person, but my purpose is always the same; understand and support the person whatever they need. I will start with a history take, ask what help they need and how they would like to be when we are finished. The triangle of the three elements of mental strength forms the framework to build a stronger person or athlete. Those three elements include:

  1. Motivation which stems from personal values and beliefs - we will look at how these affect the person, do they help or hinder?

  2. Emotional Balance which can be upset by previous experiences and so affect future performance - this is where NLP and hypnosis work so well, giving us the power to change experiences and restore the balance in an instant.

  3. Focus which is all about knowing the desired outcome and the steps to getting there. We will look at the big goals but also train the mind to be in the moment and stay present.

I won’t mess with your head, I will help you to clear your head and achieve your goals!

Keep following to read about mistakes 6 - 10