Mistake #8 Believing In Themselves
Believing in yourself is a great place to start!
However to achieve real success, it may not be enough. Every athlete is a human being and every human being has parts of themselves which even they do not know. Buried deep in the unconscious are all of our experiences and whilst we can not remember most of them they play an important part in our survival and guide our daily behaviours.
In mental performance coaching sessions we can take time to work out what might be holding you back. We all have limiting beliefs which can be deeply held and stop us reaching our full potential without even knowing they are there. Beliefs however, often have flimsy foundations - they may be based on something an adult said early in childhood which we have assumed is true without question.
A person’s values also guide and provide rules for life, these are developed through family, national culture or religion and can be strongly held, again without question. When something fits our values or we believe it to be valuable we will pursue it with motivation and dedication, however if something goes against our values we will reject it sometimes without even noticing.
Mental performance coaches and sports psychologists are trained to pick up on nuances in a person’s conversation which give away a person’s beliefs and values so they can be challenged or built on for success.
Keep following for Mistakes# 9 -10